Sunday, 7 October 2012

Stylish sewing box: too much to ask?

I desperately want a new sewing box. Where I currently keep my thread, needles, pins, tape measure and scissors (plus a small slate cat called Gwynedd - no I don't know what she's doing in there either) is a black and pink spotted cardboard box. And it just doesn't work. The unspooling threads are tied together in a multicoloured spaghetti knot, the needles keep escaping from their case to stab my exploring fingers, and the mass somehow expands every time I take the lid off.
Most of the sewing boxes I've seen are, frankly, naff in the extreme. I don't want a padded design that looks like a commode, patterned with Scotty dogs, shaped like a cupcake, emblazoned with 'make do and mend' or faux-vintage floral prints. Anyone have any suggestions?

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