Sunday, 28 October 2012

Our very own stitch and bitch

Exciting! Our local pub has been taken over by a new manager, who was keen to know what events he should run. I suggested a craft club... and this weekend I was in the pub (another one) talking to his girlfriend and another creative friend, and she's keen on the idea and so it's all going ahead this Thursday. She's calling it 'stitch and bitch' although I don't think it's (yet) affiliated to the official Stitch 'n Bitch site, so we're turning up with our knitting and crochet. There will be at least three of us (it's a small village...) . It'll be a great opportunity for me to finish my treble crochet edging for my knitted squares blanket, and to have a little refresher on how exactly the purl stitch goes. I know, it's really easy but I just can't remember.
I did run a craft club at work for a while (about the same size community as the village I live in) but it was very hard to find a time that suited everyone, and despite massive initial interest, people just didn't turn up regularly enough. Hopefully, this one will go better!

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