Sunday, 7 October 2012

Martha Stewart on QVC!

Let's get one thing straight: I don't watch shopping channels, but I saw the name and thought: 'is she actually on it?' And she actually is: demonstrating her fancy hole punches accompanied by her glamorous (male) assistant. For all I know, she's on QVC all the time - but blimey, that's pushing the product a bit hard, isn't it?
I think Martha (or her team) has some good craft ideas (see Martha's craft channel here), but her approach is a little all-encompassing. I get the feeling she can't have a wee in the night without crocheting up a toilet roll cosy and stencilling the cistern en passant.
In 1995 I made my first trip to New York and I saw a book in Barnes & Noble spoofing Martha Stewart called something like Tarmac Your Own Drive with Martha Stewart. I've just done a quick search and I can't find it. However, I did find Martha Stuart's Better than you at Entertaining, with a walking-on-water Martha lookylikey on the cover, which I may be adding to my Christmas list...

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