Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Finding free knitting patterns

We all like something for nothing, and that includes craft necessities like knitting patterns. I've blogged on some of my favourite places to find free knitting patterns over on my work portfolio and I've just written a feature on free baby knitting patterns for Saga. I'm not one to go gooey over babies, puppies or kittens but even I have to admit that these ribbon-tie baby bootees designed by Susie Johns are so cute!

The sites I've included in the Saga feature cover knitting designers, knitting shops and yarn manufacturers. They all offer more free patterns than I could include. Here's the list:

and a couple of extras:

One of my other favourite sources is the local library. I love it for the extended choice. You can take the books out on loan – books you'd never consider buying (who has an unlimited budget?), browse at your leisure, take a photo of the patterns you want, or scan the page, then return the book – all for free. Even the fastest knitter – who certainly isn't me – would struggle to knit the pattern before the end of the loan period! 

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