Thursday, 27 August 2015

Yarn arts with a twist, by Banksy

Not going to make it to Dismaland so contented myself with a Banksy exhibition at Croydon’s Rise Gallery. I have to say I found the approach through the arcade of dilapidated shuttered-up shops in St George’s Walk a little depressing. (Don’t get me wrong; I’m not dissing Croydon; it’s near where I grew up and was my Saturday shopping haunt as a teenager and I’m aware of the regeneration that’s going on.) 

But the gallery space was great, and the wall pieces by Banksy including Di-Faced Tenners, Rude Copper and Grannies (above) were thought-provoking and amusing. Grannies illustrates the point that knitting and the yarn arts aren't all about knitting sweet little baby booties (and older people can be a bit controversial). 

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